Coming Out of Lock-Down and the Chance to Create Anew.

As my part of the world is starting to open up again and people are coming out of hiding, there is an opportunity to begin to think about how we may want to create a new world for ourselves individually and collectively. We have been out of our habitual patterns long enough that we now have a powerful opportunity to create anew.

As we have stayed at home for such a long period, some of us changing our patterns drastically, we have actually broken or weakened energetic bonds to many of the habitual people, places, routines, activities and obligations that we used to have. We may have created many of those bonds unconsciously, out of perceived lack of choice, or based on norms and values that are not really our own. When an energetic bond is broken, the energy contained in it is released and becomes available. We are in a zero-point type of place where we have reclaimed the energy we were sending outward. We have an important opportunity to use that reclaimed energy to create anew, if we so choose.

We are not out of the woods yet, but it may be a good time, as we take cautious steps forward, to think optimistically about what we and how we want to create.

We have already made some very conscious decisions about what is important collectively and individually:

  • What is essential?

  • What businesses are we choosing more consciously to support because we want to see them survive?

  • How have we chosen to support each other?

  • What roles in society are being uplifted?

  • What are your important sources of solace while facing fear and disturbance?

  • What have you missed while being at home?

  • What have you not missed?

  • What have you gained?

  • What do you want to create going forward?

The following questions demonstrate my own bias:

  • Do we want to keep seeing more wildlife?

  • Do we want to keep the air clean?

  • Do we want to drive less and stay home more?

  • What do we want education of our children to look like?

We have stopped our habitual ways of being long enough that we can begin again. What do we want to create? I am holding in my heart and mind the possibility of many positive changes. I think some of the changes will happen automatically. The changes have already been made at a core level. Life will never go back to the way it was and we don’t really know what it will look like yet.

Although this period of stay-at-home has been difficult and has brought up a lot of things within me that I didn’t want to face, I want to hold onto the preciousness of this time we have had and from that place slowly move outwards.

I know that people are having a range of experiences in this time, and many are experiencing more drastic changes, grief, loss, and trauma, especially those more directly affected than I. If what I have written does not resonate with you please be kind.


Check out my other reflections. I write about living with chronic illness, healing, the beauty of slowing down, parenting and creative projects. These reflections are not intended to be taken as any kind of medical, emotional, or spiritual advice. Just pondering…

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I have been living with chronic illness and exploring the healing journey for over 20 years. I offer what I have learned from that journey in the form of

I have been living with chronic illness and exploring the healing journey for over 20 years. I offer what I have learned from that journey in the form of