How to Savour the Precious Moments of Parenthood

This post is part of a series: Essential Skills for New Parents: How yoga practices can help you parent with peace and presence.


I remember that last two in the morning feeding. I knew it would be the last one. I gazed at his serene face lit by the soft moonlight and drank the moment in with all my senses. It is a sweet moment that will stay with me always.

Getting your mind into the present moment involves the skill of concentration as was discussed previously. To savour a precious moment, you have to be in it with your mind and all of your senses. You are not really going to have the chance to savour if your mind is worrying, planning, directing or distracted with other things.

Present moment awareness is being fully engaged in the now experience with our senses rather than being preoccupied with thoughts, judgements, future plans or past regrets.

The ability to cultivate present moment awareness is a gift to parents. The beginning of life is such a precious time, but also busy with tasks, worries, and self-doubt. The ability to cut through the mind’s chatter and be present with your child to not only create connection with your child which was discussed in the last post How to be Present with Babies and Children, it allows you to cherish a few moments of this special time. Taking the time to cherish the special moments is the fuel that gets you through the challenges.

Whenever you can feel yourself being taken away from the present moment by worries, fears, or things that have nothing to do with now, you can bring myself back with the skill of present moment awareness. Worries, regrets, grief do not exist in the present moment- the place of pure awareness. Let those worries, fears, regrets be in the past or in the future and reside yourself in the now.

Bring yourself back to the present moment through the senses:

  1. Focus on what you can feel, sense, smell, see. This brings you from the world of your thoughts that is happening in the past or the future to the world of your senses that is happening now.

  2. Feel the touch of the air on your cheek, feel your clothing against your skin.

  3. What do you taste in your mouth?

  4. Notice something about your surroundings that you normally wouldn’t.

  5. Listen closely.

  6. Do you smell anything?

  7. Look, really look, at your child.

  8. Get yourself out of your head so you don’t miss what is right in front of you.

Present moment awareness is like an elixir.  It allows you to experience the gifts in the moment. The present moment is where all the goodies are: calm, love, joy, intuition, clarity, harmony, peace. It is where the delight in the experience of growing and evolving with your child is. One way to come back to the present moment is through the senses.

You can use this trick anytime you find your mind wandering away from where you want to be. Ground yourself in the now through your senses and keep yourself where you are.

In the next post, I will share how to make up for lost sleep through the practice of guided relaxation or Yoga Nidra.

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This post is part of a series:

Essential Skills for New Parents: How yoga practices can help you parent with peace and presence.

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I am working on a book on the same topic to compile all the practices with further information and make it available as an easy reference for new and expecting parents. Please subscribe to my newsletter in to receive notices of the book.


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Nicole St. Arnaud is a twice-certified Yoga Instructor in Iyengar and Yasodhara Yoga, a Reiki Master, a Heartmath certified practitioner, and a parent. She has been living with chronic illness and exploring the healing journey for over 20 …

Nicole St. Arnaud is a twice-certified Yoga Instructor in Iyengar and Yasodhara Yoga, a Reiki Master, a Heartmath certified practitioner, and a parent. She has been living with chronic illness and exploring the healing journey for over 20 years.

Nicole is a regular contributor for , and shares insights and reflections from her healing journey on